Increasing Your SAT Math Score from 750 to 800

Recently I’ve been getting emails from students that are already scoring over 700 in math on SAT practice tests, but they are still struggling to get a perfect score. First, I’d like to point out that if you are already close to the mid 700’s, then there aren’t any universities that will exclude you based on your SAT math score. On the other hand, I do realize that there are many students out there that would still love to get a perfect score anyway.

The video above shows me completing an SAT math section perfectly in about one-third the time given. Even though this video was for the old SAT, if you are above a 700 in SAT math, it’s worth watching so you can compare what I’m doing to what you’re doing. I also have videos for the other two sections at the bottom of this post.

If you’re one of those students that is struggling to get those last few hard questions right, you may want to take a look at the following article: Stop Getting Those Last Few Hard SAT Math Questions Wrong

If you’re still making careless errors on some of the easier problems, then take a look here: Stop Making Careless Errors in SAT Math

Another possibility is that you’re running out of time, and you don’t have time to catch a careless error or two that you’re still making. Here are some long-term strategies for getting you to increase your speed without feeling rushed.

  1. Don’t just try to solve each problem, figure out how many ways you can solve each problem – using multiple methods multiplies the value you get out of each problem.
  2. After trying to solve each problem several different ways, ask yourself questions about each method: Which one was quickest for you? Which one should have been the quickest, if only you were better at it? Which one guarantees the right answer? Which one was tricky, but more effective once you got the hang of it.
  3. Internalize strategies and methods – don’t  just practice them, try to get to a point where they become a part of you.

The goal is to decrease the amount of time spent on each problem by knowing which method to use right away, and having practiced the method enough so that you can arrive at an answer fairly quickly. Never try to decrease the amount of time by physically speeding up! The speed will come with practice, internalizing the strategies, and gaining enough intuition to choose the best method for each individual problem.

The journey from a 750 to an 800 requires some time, some effort, and a lot of practice. Understanding strategies, concepts and methods is no longer enough – you have to make them a part of you so that the ideas form before you even have a chance to think about them. This requires a jump in your level of mathematical maturity. The good news is that if you put in the effort to do this now, then that experience will stay with you, and it will even make your college classes much easier.

SAT Math Practice Problems

For daily SAT math practice, check out the Get 800 collection of SAT math books. Click on the picture below for more information about these books.

Get 800 SAT Math Books

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